Commissioning testing for BWMS installed onboard is required beginning June 1, 2022

On June 1, 2022, IMO Resolution MEPC.325(75) to the BWM #Convention entered into force. Following the successful installation of any ballast water treatment system, ballast water commissioning testing in accordance with BWM.2/Circ.70, rev1 must be performed. 



The major revision points are specified below.


  • Regardless of organism concentrations in the water, should use local ambient water.
  • Using indicative analysis methods, representative samples should be analyzed for the two size classes of organisms, namely ≥ 50 μm and ≥ 10 μm to < 50 μm, as specified in the D-2 standard. Microbes analysis is not required. 
  • Accordingly, ship operators are advised to observe the requirement for a commissioning test at any BWTS commissioning survey completed on or after June 1, 2022. The test requires ballast water samples at the discharge line after treatment by the new BWTS and analysis of the samples by accepted laboratories.  


Hence, mandatory commissioning testing/sampling shall be considered in your contract with your BWTS manufacturer for commissioning after June 1, 2022. Albion Marine Solutions is North America's only ABS-approved service provider for biological Ballast Water Treatment systems can assist with IMO-D2 and the US EPA VGP testing services at worldwide locations. For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IMO’s first International Day for Women in Maritime

On May 18th, the world celebrated the first International Day for Women in Maritime to provide a platform to highlight and celebrate the achievements of women in maritime while also identifying areas for improvement in gender balance. A virtual IMO Symposium on "Training-Visibility-Recognition: Supporting a Barrier-Free Working Environment for Women in Maritime" was heard by nine panellists, including seven women and two male allies. They discussed what type of training supports a barrier-free working environment for women in maritime, how to increase women's visibility in the workplace/environment, and how to recognize women's contributions to maritime in the workplace. On YouTube, you can watch the Virtual Symposium: International Day for Women in Maritime.


Albion Marine Solutions at Mari-Tech 2022 conference and exhibition at Niagara Falls, Ontario

Mari-Tech 2022 edition was hosted by CIMarE’s Great Lakes Branch overlooking Niagara Falls in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Mari-Tech was created by the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE) in 1976 and is the premier event for the marine engineering community in Canada.

Albion Marine Solutions Commercial Director Mr. Rumi Mistry and Business Development Manager Mr. Jayson Stansfield are shown exhibiting at booth no. 6, showcasing our capabilities as North America's leading Marine Engineering company specializing in cutting-edge marine turnkey solutions.


At the Mari-tech event, the Albion Marine team meets with their valued clients and business partners. Furthermore, connected with hundreds of leading professionals worldwide, including industry leaders, private sector senior management, government policy makers (federal, territorial, and provincial), innovators, consulting firms, and the next generation of marine engineers. For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Commissioning Testing of Ballast Water Management Systems

Applicability: service suppliers, shipyards and ballast water management system manufacturers.

Further to Class News 16/2020, the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention requires ships which haven’t already installed and commissioned a ballast water management system (BWMS), to do so at the time of the ship’s next International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate renewal survey.

What should shipyards, shipowners and operators do now? 

For new building projects, shipyards, shipowners and operators should be aware that if delivery of the vessel is on or after 1 June 2022, then commissioning testing needs to be completed fully in accordance with BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1, even if the system has been partially installed and/or commissioned before 1 June 2022. The same also applies for existing ships where the BWMS installation survey is due to be completed on or after 1 June 2022.


From 1 June 2022, amendments to the BWM Convention, regulation E-1, come into force, published in IMO Resolution MEPC.325(75). These amendments mandate the commissioning testing of BWMS during initial surveys for new construction projects and during BWMS installation surveys on existing ships (i.e. what the Convention calls additional surveys).

IMO guidance

The IMO has also published a Uniform Interpretation of regulation E-1, in BWM.2/Circ.66/Rev.2. This clarifies that, if the initial or additional survey is completed on or after 1 June 2022, the commissioning testing of individual BWMS should be conducted in accordance with ‘2020 Guidance for the commissioning testing of ballast water management systems’ (BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1). If the initial or additional survey is completed before 1 June 2022, the commissioning testing of individual BWMS remains subject to the specific requirements of the flag Administration(s).

Prior to the Convention amendments coming into force, some flag Administrations already mandate commissioning testing, such as Australia, Cyprus, Greece, India, Panama, Singapore and Tuvalu. Commissioning testing, done in accordance with BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1, is also already mandatory for all new construction projects of ships registered with a flag Administration of an EU/EEA member state. Other flag Administrations recommend early implementation of the commissioning testing requirements, e.g. Bahamas and Liberia.

Service suppliers

The IMO’s ‘Guidance for the commissioning testing of ballast water management systems’ (BWM.2/Circ.70/rev.1) includes a requirement that “the collection and analysis of the representative samples should be independent of the BWMS manufacturer or supplier and to the satisfaction of the Administration”. Where the vessel’s flag Administration has mandated the application of BWM.2/Circ.70/Rev.1, Lloyd’s Register (LR) requires commissioning testing of BWMS to be completed by either an LR approved service supplier or by an organisation acceptable to the flag Administration.

Changes to IBWM Certificate

Resolution MEPC.325(75) also includes a small change to the format of the International Ballast Water Management Certificate. The change will enable other methods of compliance to be shown on the certificate; such as discharge of ballast water to a reception facility (Reg. B-3.6), or uptake and discharge of ballast water in the high seas or the same location (Regs. A-3.4 and A-3.5).

Contact Albion Marine Solutions if your vessel/ship requires class approval. Our technical engineering team has already commissioned and class-approved numerous vessels worldwide. Furthermore, we are the only ABS-approved service provider in Canada for biological testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

2022 Mari-Tech Conference & Exhibition Niagara Falls, Ontario

Meet Albion Marine Solutions at the Mari-Tech 2022 conference and exhibition in Niagara Falls, Ontario, from May 17 to 19, 2022. We will be exhibiting at booth No. 6, showcasing our capabilities as North America's leading Marine Engineering company specializing in cutting-edge marine turnkey solutions and our work towards shipping decarbonization and ocean protection.

Mari-Tech was created by the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE) in 1976 and is the premier event for the Marine Engineering community in Canada. Mari-Tech 2022 conference and exhibition is a collaboration between the CIMarE’s Great Lakes branch and the Great Lakes/ Rivers section of the society of Naval architects and marine engineers. Click here for more information

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