Albion Marine Solutions assists ship owners and operators in complying with imminent marine environmental regulations. Insufficiently robust solutions can have detrimental compliance and commercial impacts on vessel operations. Our professionals assist owners/operators in the selection and implementation of reliable, regulation compliant solutions at the optimum total cost of ownership price points.

We offer consultancy, market research, feasibility studies, equipment selection, engineering packages, project management and yard supervision/riding squads with our repair/retrofit services.

Sewage Treatment Plant Retrofits

Albion Marine Solution Ltd.’s retrofit designs of sewage treatment plant implementations comply with the IMO MEPC.227 (64), 2012 Guidelines on Implementation of Effluent Standards and Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants. The retrofitted plants meet the marine sewage discharge standard to protect the ocean. The regulations specify that vessels with a toilet aboard must have a holding tank or approved marine sanitation device. The discharge of untreated sewage into coastal or inland waterways is now prohibited within 12 miles (19.3 kilometres) of land. Treated sewage can soon only be discharged into waters subject to specified limits of faecal coliforms per 100 millilitres (3.38 fluid ounces) of water. Some vessels have utilized Afterpeak or other ballast tanks as a holding tank in locations where discharge is prohibited.



Conversion for operation on Low Sulphur Distillate Fuels 

The IMO has decreased the sulphur limit from a maximum 1.0% to a maximum of 0.1% of fuel content. To comply with the regulation, operators must use either a fuel with less than 0.1% sulphur or install an exhaust gas cleaning system (i.e., scrubber). Using a low sulfur distillate fuel is a good option for vessels occasionally trading within designated Emission Control Areas (ECAs). Our specialists assist in the selection and implementation of the most reliable and cost-effective solution tailored to the machinery, boilers, engines, and fuel systems aboard a vessel. 


Bilge water and sludge handling optimization

The shipping industry must comply with IMO Resolution MEPC.107(49) which requires ships to have pollution prevention equipment for their machinery space bilges. Regulations mandate that all vessels must operate an approved onboard type of bilge water treatment system. This system must have the capability to treat oily wastewater to comply with the regulations.

Oily water separators (OWS) often fail to perform as designed, which frustrates a ship’s crew, and cuts into the ship owner or operator’s profits because of the higher cost of disposing of all of the unseparated bilge water and sludge at landside facilities. Albion Marine Solutions can assist in making the OWS dependably work by reviewing a vessel’s existing layout and operational procedures and then recommending the best course of action. Our team can take you through the entire process: feasibility study, new/revamped design, Class approvals and implementation. This investment will save time, frustration, and money overall.


Albion Marine Solutions Ltd.

Suite 304 - 800 Carleton Court 

Delta, BC V3M 6Y6


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Tel     : +1 604 529 8488


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