Sulphur Cap 2020 - Scrubber & Low Sulphur Fuel Retrofit Solutions

Our Project Manager, Mr. Ishaan Goel gives us an insight into Sulphur Cap 2020 - Scrubber & Low Sulphur Fuel Retrofit Solutions, and how Albion Marine can help. We at Albion Marine recognize the fact that no two ships are similar. We strive to find the ship specific solution. Albion Marine Solutions is one stop shop to ensure your Sulphur Cap 2020 compliance.


Beware of local restrictions before discharging washwater from exhaust gas scrubbing

The IMO considers exhaust gas scrubbers to be an acceptable means of reducing vessels' sulphur emissions and ensuring compliance with MARPOL Annex VI. A separate guideline, Resolution MEPC.259(68), specifies the requirements for the verification, testing, survey and certification of scrubber systems and sets out the criteria for discharging scrubber washwater into the sea. However some coastal stated and ports have implemented local regulations with more stringent requirements that restrict or completely prohibit the discharge of washwater from open loop scrubbers or prohibit the use of scrubbers. More information: Local restrictions before discharging washwater from EGS

LNG Report: 143 LNG-Powered Vessels in Operation, 270 to come

Currently, the liquefied natural gas (LNG) - powered fleet has grown globally from 118 LNG-powered vessels in operation in 2017, to 143LNGpowered vessels in operation - with further 135 on order and 135 LNG-ready ships either in operation or on order. According to the LNG bunkering coalition SEA/LNG, orders for LNG-powered vessels span a variety of vessel types including tankers, cruise ships, container ships, car carriers, and Very Large Ore Carriers (VLOC)s. More information: LNG Report

Albion Marine Solutions adds Tank Cleaning to their Services

As the 2020 Global Sulphur Cap approaches, shipowners and operators are urged to consider the side effects of switching from HFO to low sulphur fuel as evidence of tank contamination and inadvertent non-compliance is brought to light. Our clients, consider tank cleaning in order to prepare for conversion to operation on low sulphur fuels. For more information see our Tank Cleaning Services.

Connecticut Maritime Association & CMA Shipping 2019

Albion Marine Solutions is proud to announce that our Director, Mr Sergiy Yakovenko, and our Director of Sales, Ms Elena Corin, are now officially members of the Connecticut Maritime Association (CMA). We will also be attending the Connecticut Maritime Shipping (CMA) Event. This event will take place from April 2nd to April 4th, 2019 at the Hilton Stamford Hotel in Connecticut. We will be part of the exhibitors for the event. During this annual, one-of-a-kind gathering, leaders of the world’s most substantial shipping trade organizations share their agendas and strategies for achieving economic and environmental sustainability. We invite our friends, existing clients and potential new clients to visit and talk with us about our latest projects.

Albion Marine Solutions Ltd.

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