2022 Mari-Tech Conference & Exhibition Niagara Falls, Ontario

Meet Albion Marine Solutions at the Mari-Tech 2022 conference and exhibition in Niagara Falls, Ontario, from May 17 to 19, 2022. We will be exhibiting at booth No. 6, showcasing our capabilities as North America's leading Marine Engineering company specializing in cutting-edge marine turnkey solutions and our work towards shipping decarbonization and ocean protection.

Mari-Tech was created by the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE) in 1976 and is the premier event for the Marine Engineering community in Canada. Mari-Tech 2022 conference and exhibition is a collaboration between the CIMarE’s Great Lakes branch and the Great Lakes/ Rivers section of the society of Naval architects and marine engineers. Click here for more information https://mari-techconference.ca

IMO launches e-learning platform

IMO is expanding its service offerings to include e-learning. The first free online course was launched on the eve of the Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) Sub-Committee meeting (7 April). 

The first such course is: "An Introduction to Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation," designed to provide a basic introduction to those involved in, or that have an interest in, matters related to oil pollution preparedness and response, whether from within the oil spill response community or the maritime sector.


Distance learning has become important in meeting the changing educational needs of the maritime industry. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) provides students and maritime professionals worldwide with the opportunity to improve their understanding of key maritime issues. Two options are available to undertake IMO's e-Learning courses: a) by authorization or b) self-enrolment.  Click on the provided link to visit the e-learning platform https://lms.imo.org/moodle310


Deadline for Voyage Data Recorders upgrade 1 July 2022 is approaching fast

The update to the EPIRB performance standard has had a knock-on effect on the IMO’s VDR and S-VDR performance standards, as the VDR’s float-free data capsule is required to meet the requirements of the latest EPIRB performance standard.

VDRs installed on or after 1 July 2022*, are to be approved to IMO Resolution MSC.333(90), as amended by MSC.494(104). Similarly, S-VDRs installed on or after 1 July 2022*, are to be approved to IMO Resolution MSC.163(78), as amended by Resolution MSC.214(81) and MSC.493(104.




The voyage data recorder (VDR) system, including all sensors, shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The test shall be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility to verify the accuracy, duration, and recoverability of the recorded data. In addition, tests and inspections shall be conducted to determine the serviceability of all protective enclosures and devices fitted to aid location. A copy of the certificate of compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of compliance and the applicable performance standards, shall be retained on board the ship. Albion Marine Solutions can assist you with these services and upgrades. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hikes in oil prices will make Exhaust Gas Cleaning systems the most viable option for ship and vessel owners to limit Sox emissions

Oil prices were high before, but consistent with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, oil prices have now reached a culmination WTI Crude 111.40$/barrel and Brent Crude at 110.46$/barrel. For the shipping and marine industry, these unprecedented hikes in oil prices will create a thriving market to refit Exhaust Gas cleaning systems that operate on high sulfur fuel, whose prices are much lower than low sulfur fuels.

 Why is it prudent to install Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (Scrubbers) instead of using low sulfur oils?

Exhaust gas cleaning systems (Scrubbers) operate on high sulfur fuel, and high sulfur fuel oil 'bunker' is plentiful and reasonably priced. It's well tolerated by marine engines, which consume approximately four million barrels (550,000 tonnes) per day. Its accessibility and low cost are accounted for in the current cost structure of marine freight tariffs. Furthermore, the payback time period of installing an Exhaust Cleaning System is less than two years compared to keeping operating on high-cost low-sulfur fuel to comply with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2020 regulations limiting sulfur dioxide emissions (Sox) to 0.50 percent.


Albion Marine Solutions provides turnkey solutions from scratch to after-sales support. Based on the feasibility study, client requirements, and the alkalinity of the marine environment in which the vessel will operate, Albion Marine can recommend supply and refit the EGCS system. Further to our capabilities, all types of exhaust gas cleaning systems are available with us, including wet scrubbers (open and closed loop), dry scrubbers, and hybrid scrubbers; for more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Albion Marine Solutions cease all its services to Russian companies and vessel owners worldwide

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a flagrant breach of international law. It has no justification. Albion Marine Solutions strongly condemn this reckless act and unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Our heartfelt sympathies are with Ukraine and its people.


To respond to Russia's egregious transgressions of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and significant human rights violations. Mr. Sergiy Yakovenko, Director of Albion Marine Solutions, has stated that "Albion Marine Solutions will immediately stop providing services to Russian companies and vessel ship owners worldwide." The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling. The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine. We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all. 

Albion Marine Solutions Ltd.

Suite 304 - 800 Carleton Court 

Delta, BC V3M 6Y6


Email : info@albionmarine.com

Tel     : +1 604 529 8488


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