Workboat Market

The U.S. towing and tug business is 5,500 boats, more than 31,00 barges with an estimate total impact on U.S. GDP of $33.8 billion. Albion Marine Solutions attended the last tugboat conference held in Victoria, BC. We are proud to be part of the largest tugboat community on the west coast. Read more.

Albion Engineering India Pvt. Ltd May

Albion Engineering India Pvt. Ltd. Team and some team members of Albion Marine Solutions Canada shared a great work lunch in Chennai, India. The team talked about exciting new engineering projects.

Tugboat Industry Conference 2019

Albion Marine Solutions team will be exhibiting at the Tugboat Industry Conference 2019. This event will take place from May 2nd to May 4th in Victoria, British Columbia. We invite our friends, existing clients and potential new clients to visit and talk with us about our latest projects

IMO Sets New Anti-Corruption Agenda

The IMO has agreed to address maritime corruption by including the issue in the program for the Facilitation Committee. The IMO will work on a guidance document to address maritime corruption. This is expected to be completed by 2021. The decision to include anti-corruption agenda came at the latest meeting of the IMO’s Facilitation Committee in response to a submission from several countries. The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) applauds the efforts the IMO has taken to address maritime corruption as a regular work item. Read more

Albion Marine Solutions BWTS Retrofit

Albion Marine Solutions team of project managers have been working in several large scale Ballast Water Treatment System retrofit projects simultaneously ongoing in Singapore and Malaysia.

Albion Marine Solutions Ltd.

Suite 304 - 800 Carleton Court 

Delta, BC V3M 6Y6


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