EEXI Framework and Albion Marine – Prepare Now for Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index ( EEXI )

The Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) is a technical efficiency regulation that sets new CO2 emissions limits for vessels per ton-mile of capacity. Although the exact date for implementation has not been determined yet, the current effective date is November 2022, with the IMO stating that January 1st, 2023 is the absolute latest date for implementation. Around 30,000 vessels will be affected as this short-term decarbonisation measure goes into effect. Affected vessels will be expected to complete a detailed attained EEXI calculation, with the value of that calculation equal to or below the ‘required EEXI' set by the IMO for that ship type and size.

Albion Marine Solutions has extensive technical knowledge of all ship classes, busy in assisting ship owners and technical managers around the world with EEXI calculations. We have completed a lot of vessel calculations in the last few months, and the number is growing steadily as the adoption date approaching closer. Moreover, we are also attempting to help operators understand their options if their vessels fail to comply with the new regulations. Sea trials will help determine possible routes to compliance when vessels fail to meet EEXI specifications based on an analysis from essential documents.

At Albion Marine Solutions, we work with clients to obtain a thorough understanding of the ship as well as any new technology that has been added over time. This allows us to ensure that a sea trial takes certain variables into account – all while adhering to strict supervisory guidelines – and can be used to produce a reference speed that accurately represents the ship's current speed.